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How to Get a QUICK Turnaround

After you've decided to start your company, it's natural for a new business owners to want to get going right away. As small business owners ourselves, we can confidently say we've been there, done that and know exactly how you're feeling. Sometimes, getting everything in order can seem a bit overwhelming and while we're not suggesting you rush the process, we understand that our clients often have specific and quick deadlines that need to be met.

Maybe you're going to a tradeshow in a month and need a business card to pass out to potential customers, maybe you have a meeting with an investor and would like a website to show them your vision, or maybe you're just ready to get started and don't want to drag out the process - whatever it is, we can help! If you're looking for a quick turnaround, be it on a logo, website or marketing material, here's our advice on how to achieve just that!

Be specific.

We provide all of our clients with a questionnaire to start - with specific questions asking what inspires you, what you are fond of, what you aren't, that sort of thing. It's really important that you are specific in your answers (the first time around). If you give your designer vague directions, then it should be no surprise that we will do what we can with our interpretation of your needs, which is not always a hitting-the-nail-on-the-head moment. Instead of saying something like, "really like modern designs", we'd prefer you'd say "really enjoy something modern and cool with metallic colors incorporated and a box around the first letter." This may seem too specific for some - in the case that you really don't know what you're looking for, send us lots of photos or links of the different things that you like! We love to see what inspires you and it truly helps us get a feel for your personality and ultimately helps us in directing your brand.

Give us your honest feedback. Don't hold back.

We are designers and know that as humans, our interpretations can vary dramatically. Our idea of "modern" may not be your idea of "modern" - that's why it's important for us to not only hear about your vision for you business, but also see it (via examples, photos, etc.). Don't be afraid to hurt our feelings! If you absolutely hate something we've designed for you, feel free to tell us. We don't ask that you critique each option we give you, but we offer unlimited revisions within our package for this exact reason. We want our client to be 100% satisfied with the final product, so if that means we go through a couple of rounds of edits, it's fine by us to ensure you are happy with the results.

Get back to us, quickly!

We guarantee our clients a 1 week turnaround for initial designs on most projects. We ask that you reply with your feedback for edits within 24 hours, especially if you have a specific deadline you are trying to meet. Just like you'd like your project to get done quickly, so do we! We cannot accomplish this if you're lax in providing feedback. If you don't think you can provide prompt responses because you have a big project you're working on or you're on vacation or something like that, then it's best you wait until you can dedicate the time. If you're not able to pay close attention during the design process, you may disliking your branding weeks or months down the line.

All in all, we want you to have a great final product that you are proud of. We also want you to have something in hand that is completed within the amount of time you requested. In order for us to provide you with a quick turnaround, please provide us with as much information as you can initially, please give us your feedback in a timely matter and don't be afraid to tell us something isn't your taste. The sooner we get to know your personal style and preference, the faster we can develop something you love for years to come!

As always, happy branding!




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