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Showing Thankfulness: What PBC is Thankful For

“The more you practice the art of thankfulness, the more you have to be thankful for.” — Norman Vincent Peale

Ladies and gentlemen of the internet, if there’s anything we’ve learned this year, it’s that we have SO much to be thankful for and we just can’t keep quiet about it. Where to even begin?

The obvious answers include our family, our health, and our loved ones. But we have come to discover so much more to be thankful for in our little corner of the world. And we wanted to take the chance to express that in this post, not only to let you know how we feel, but to share with you just how important we think expressing gratitude is in business. Come along on this gratitude journey with us and we promise you will feel something!

Showing That You’re Thankful in Business

It is common practice in certain industries to say “Thanks, come again!” or “Thank you for your business, have a nice day!” We personally love that small element of expressing gratitude, whether it’s directed to someone who made a purchase, watched a presentation, or simply showed support.

We find it incredibly meaningful to give thanks to our clients, both those we directly help and serve and those who support our business even if they never use our services! We are so lucky to have clients who trust us and give us important feedback, as well as followers and individuals who see our efforts, give us a like or a comment, or who share our name when branding or marketing comes up. We have the best support!

When we pause to think about all that we have been given, we physically can’t restrain ourselves from expressing our gratitude. This feeling inside of us to verbalize our thankfulness is something we think all business owners should lean into. Say thank you to that customer! Shoot that client a personal message thanking them for their time. Write a note to that new friend-turned-business ally so they know how much you appreciate them. By leaning into the gratitude, you build more solid relationships, tap into the personal side of life, and grow individually as a human who recognizes the sacrifices and grit that it takes to make it in this crazy world.

What PBC is Thankful For

While we could go on for days, let us share with you what we consider most cherished this time of year when it comes to our business.

1. Technology

Where would we be without it?? While it has its moments with working most of the time, but not when we MOST need it (have you ever been there?), or occasionally has a blip in the system that we can’t quite figure out, we are incredibly grateful for technology and all that it provides for us and our clients. Quite literally, technology is the foundation of our business and a huge reason for why we get to interact with YOU!

From software programs to devices, communication systems to apps, we geek out over the technological side of our business. We could go on and on about our love for certain programs, the way technology allows us to communicate and develop our brand, and even the simple way of teaching our followers how to better market themselves. Through some pretty awesome technology, we can have better, deeper relationships and impact more people. How amazing is that?!

2. Connection

Call us cliche, but the ability we have to connect with our clients brings us so much joy. Sometimes the connection is over shared interests (their business closely aligns with ours, etc.) and other times, it’s simply the connection we can share with our followers who are wanting to learn and grow in business and trust us!

We consider connection with others a strength we have developed, but hasn’t always been natural. Yes, we love to be outgoing, but sometimes we sit in the back and take it all in.

Regardless of how we’ve grown and developed in business, connection has always been there with the right people. We value honesty, transparency, loyalty, and especially understanding (as working mamas, that is really important to us!) When we find other individuals who share these values, connection is formed and it is FIERCE!

Not only that, but the connections we’ve formed with fellow businesses in terms of networking has been a truly cherished part of our line of work. Working closely with photographers, designers, print shops, and more has allowed us to expand our business with confidence. We are beyond thankful for connection!

3. Passionate Businesswomen

Ladies, if it weren’t for your passion for loving what you do and wanting to grow your business, we wouldn’t have this job. Yes, we have found our niche and enjoy educating and helping other businesses to be successful, but it is because of the women behind those businesses that we are able to do what we do!

When we meet with potential clients to discuss their business goals or pain points, we are always blown away by their story and their “why”. Like us, they were usually working a 9-5 job, not very happy with what they were doing, and just itching to pursue their dreams. When we find that common ground and learn how they decided to go all in on their business, we rejoice with them! Taking your business to the next level is no small feat and the fact that we get to help them do that is our greatest blessing!


Whether you’re just starting out, have been in business a long time, or are simply a supporter of a female-owned business, we hope you know that gratitude is where it is at. And we are thankful for YOU!

Each year, we learn more and more about what it takes to grow and succeed in business and regardless of the dollar signs that come with that, remaining grateful is where we see true success. We hope that above all, you feel that way too!

Take a look at some other posts that have meaningful messages from us!

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